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Anke Sevenster
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Anke Support Service Anke Support Service

Enjoy Your Life in Spain with Anke Support Service

At Anke Sevenster, we provide the solution to Spain’s bureaucratic maze with our comprehensive annual administrative service. 

With Anke Support Service, leave bureaucratic complications behind and fully enjoy your life in Mallorca.

Discover the Numerous Benefits of the Anke Support Service

The Anke Support Service is an annual service, giving you access to our German-speaking team for a wide range of administrative tasks for 12 months. The first thing we will do is issue your Digital Certificate from our office, without the need for you to visit any public authorities. This certificate acts as an electronic ID card and allows you to carry out many administrative processes, many of which are automatically included with the Anke Support Service:

  • Digital Notifications: Receive instant alerts from key authorities like the Tax Office, City Hall, Traffic Department, and Social Security, preventing unpleasant surprises such as missing a fine and incurring penalties. All in your language, with Anke Sevenster’s service available to answer any general questions.
  • Administrative Task Management: We handle important tasks such as checking tax data, cadastral information, updating bank details for tax payments, mediating fine payments, and much more.
  • Tax Obligation Check: Upon starting the service, we will verify if you are up to date with your taxes, property taxes (IBI), and check if there are any pending fines or notifications.

In addition, the Anke Support Service includes personal assistance: we help you with document translations, filling out forms, opening a bank account in Mallorca (with our partner banks), and managing data changes with electricity, water, and internet companies.

Finally, you will receive exclusive discounts on services such as tax declarations and vehicle re-registration.

Contact us today!

Teléfono: +34 971 69 24 25

Whatsapp: +34 679 372 595


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